Some might had called it history, others named it memories.
I had forgotten about this blog.
That's awful, at least I had felt.
I had even forgotten to URL to this blog site. Bite me.
I had got to Google it up.
It was that bad.
Reading my past posts (2007 & 2008) had been a great flash back.
How I had always wanted to Get Out from this country.
How had I got myself my first job and bought my first flight ticket with my salary.
How those silly conversation and funny experiences was all recorded in words.
Some, exact words.
Was chatting with a friend of mine about my blog existence had somehow revived this blog. Even Nuffnang no longer have ads on my banner.
After all those rants and work achievements, I finally got myself to the Winterland of Europe.
Landed in Munich Germany.
Travelled a few countries for 30 days.
Munich, Germany.
Prague, Czech Republic.
Vienna, Austria.
Venice, Italy.
Milan, Italy.
Basel, Switzerland.
Mulhouse, France.
Dijon, France.
Paris, France.
Munich, Germany.
It was one of the most important 30 days of my life.
New friends.
Dream came through.
First snow on hand.
First snow mountain.
First winter.
Never enjoyed the sun rays and sunlight was as important it is.
What was life all about?
If I had never experience the grass at the neighbour's lawn?
Was the moon brighter?
Long haul flight serves unlimited alcohol & non-alcoholic beverages?
Spend almost all my savings for the experience was totally worth it?
Life back home had changed.
Views had changed.
Work life had changed.
Thoughts & words changed.
For worst or for the better?
Who am I to judge myself?
Thank you Prudential for giving me an experience of a life time.
Cherished & cherishing.
with love,
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
the day I decided to land on this career path
I know I am
I know I am stuck to this country forever
Stuck to this country I was born, breed & earn $ to survived
On the day I decided to be an Insurance Agent with Prudential
24 May 2012 marked the day I am officially ONE-Prudential-year-old
a great step
a big leap
to a great ......
Yes, you heard me right
I had every thought of leaving this country
to leave this sick land
what were my options and reasons?
- this country is dirty
- very dirty
- from the streets up until Putrajaya
- maybe the Istana Negara is an exceptional; I owned a piece of brick in there donk!
What had I achieve in this 1 year?
- helped more then 2 dozen individuals and their families
- I never knew volunteering and my interest of helping had extended to this career path
- how not me assisting lives to your love ones
- had so much much LESSER yam char time with buddies.... kalaikahleekarlor... as of how FarmMama named us
- being able to advice adults, real mature human on planning for their futures and their loves ones...
Selling is not what I do
Giving is not it
Contributing is not what I am good at
Sharing is what I could afford
May you yourself help your future you
Many friends had asked, what do you I do? or rather what does an Insurance Agent do?
Drink coffee
Share story
Sell money
disclamer: there is much more behind the scene which I had yet to reveal
check out my coming post... there will be more behind the scene of what does your Insurance Agent do... ?
I know I am stuck to this country forever
Stuck to this country I was born, breed & earn $ to survived
On the day I decided to be an Insurance Agent with Prudential
24 May 2012 marked the day I am officially ONE-Prudential-year-old
a great step
a big leap
to a great ......
Yes, you heard me right
I had every thought of leaving this country
to leave this sick land
what were my options and reasons?
- this country is dirty
- very dirty
- from the streets up until Putrajaya
- maybe the Istana Negara is an exceptional; I owned a piece of brick in there donk!
What had I achieve in this 1 year?
- helped more then 2 dozen individuals and their families
- I never knew volunteering and my interest of helping had extended to this career path
- how not me assisting lives to your love ones
- had so much much LESSER yam char time with buddies.... kalaikahleekarlor... as of how FarmMama named us
- being able to advice adults, real mature human on planning for their futures and their loves ones...
Selling is not what I do
Giving is not it
Contributing is not what I am good at
Sharing is what I could afford
May you yourself help your future you
Many friends had asked, what do you I do? or rather what does an Insurance Agent do?
Drink coffee
Share story
Sell money
disclamer: there is much more behind the scene which I had yet to reveal
check out my coming post... there will be more behind the scene of what does your Insurance Agent do... ?
Monday, April 2, 2012
it is a big number.
welcome me, myself home.
here i meant.
i ended 2011 with a super short break to Macau.
a flight paid trip.
fun work.
24 hours well spend overseas.
2012 kick started with Hong Kong.
yap. 1 hour a way from the last destination.
what a ha-ha.
trip with sis was great.
as well as a farewell trip with luyi.
gonna miss her.
6 months without kalee.
the other kakis gonna receive more calls from me?
first timer: it was an unplanned flight missed.
it was not a good.
i believe i will never change job again.
loving you, current job.
2012 star club.
my next target.
galaxy note!
here I come April 2012... :)
i need all your supports, mate.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
tahun dua kosong satu kosong
since the existence of Facebook & Twitter; the more social media... i've lack post of blogs.
moreover with my extensive usage of my new BlackBerry which I did not even blog ab
out it (when I first purchase it)... awwwwrrrgggghhhh.
i need to even look back at my previous post to check out when did i blog. =(
my 2010. i couldn't really remember how was it & what was it about.
friends told me it's again full of travelling around. (via my posts & uploads on Facebook).
2010 was my first ever FACE-TO-FACE sales job. it is with Hong Leong Assurance.
How did I ended up there? ask me face-to-face. virtual expression couldn't express.
The experiences itself was already.... *speechless*
2 weeks of intensive Mandarin class training I called it.
I could speak & understand mandarin this year, a whole lot more then what I could had spoken my whole life before this. *amazement? i guess so*
I could not believe myself explaining product to customers in 80% mandarin.
Travel fly & moving around. (to compile this here I would need to check from my FB albums =.=)
Jan 2010: could not remember
Feb 2010: Penang
* Chinese New Year balik kampung trip
March 2010: Macau/HK/Macau trip with sis
* it was an awesome experienced. our first flight away together. to our favourite TVB land.
when small kids dream, big kids fulfil it.
April 2010: Penang
* Maternal Grandma passed away, attended her funeral in Penang.
April 2010: Cherating Beach, Kuantan, Pahang
* Raleigh 2009/2010 Comm trip.. it was a nice relaxing trip with a friend kena jelly fish sting. *spend 2.5 hours in the hospital kerajaan*
May 2010: Penang
* Prudential family trip at Shangri-La Resort
June 2010: Penang
* a trip back for the Treasure Hunt Race with Felix, Shi Han & Sow Chan
June 2010: Penang
* another trip back for Kenneth's Wedding Dinner!
July 2010: Penang
* another trip back but lupa buat apa
August 2010: Penang
* another trip back for Calista's Hair Design Opening
September 2010: Bangkok, Thailand
* a backpacking trip supposing-ly a solo trip, but ended up with arChin tagging along. *great 1st try travelling together*
October 2010: Genting
* supposing balik Penang for ah Soon's wedding but got cancelled, bought the wrong flight
ticket, therefore I went to join the gang up in Genting for Genting Trailblazer.
November 2010: Palace of the Golden Horses
* HLA annual company dinner, first time dinner sana. food not that ok. time spend ok-ok sahaja juga.
December 2010: NUS, Singapore
* Raleigh Asia Regional Conference
December 2010: Penang
* Christmas celebration with the family
above mentions are travelling journey above 1hour+.
there were countless car-rides drives to KKB & etc. for a night campover, over a pot of tea... =D
Facebook had literally took over me in my blog.
*blame BB for there's not apps and they do have other blog apps.. =(
that's a little wrap up of my life in 2010.
travelled back to Penang EVERY MONTH! =D
went to Macau, Hong Kong, Thailand & Singapore.
i flight almost every 2 months! *thanks to AirAsia for all the cheap flights!*
next blog post might be more related to my CNY 2011? *depends mood lah.. >.<*
*that's a cousin photo (not complete) with my grandpa during his birthday*

Monday, November 22, 2010
guitar me not?
saw a 2nd hand guitar for sale.
grab it.
checked it out.
nice buy.
replaced with new strings.
loving it!
when would i be able to produce nice musics??...
*that's the hardest part*
inquest for my search of mr.guitar? haha...
atleast this could self-comfort...
it's been half a year since i last blog...
since i've actually started working in Hong Leong.. looking back..
life's been busy with trainings, attachment, and real sales...
and Raleigh caught up during AGM... yup, im back into the committee...
but for almost 5 months dah... i do not feel i've did much..
it's been long since i took MC.. and today is a day to rest & relax.. with tummy ex-gastric wound ache...
yesterday's Penang Bridge International Marathon was a great time i had... enjoyed walking with hands wide open & the scenic views of Penang Bridge..
i've never walked so far along penang bridge.. while walking.. some thoughts did came through my mins..
+ today i'm feeling sicked &... this brought worst thoughts...
what's my life's objectives & target now??
i felt my current position in this company is no longer as strong as i had... a month or 2 ago..
maybe hearing of other available positions open-ups my doors, windows & mind...
should i really get out there & hunt for more opportunity?
a little confused mind... little i do.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
it's been a hectic week
to be correct, it been 6 days almost a week since my Maternal grandma passed away. Time truly flies.
I'm back in KL.
shifted house.
super greater to all my friends who came to help.
did not expected it to be a fast one tho.
shifted one whole house all in less then 2 hours.
It's been an emo week.
Had lots in mind to think & to re-act in situations...
sometimes thing does bring back good & old memories....
wishing for more dreams to come true.
when will i know when 'it have arrive' ?
God Help!!! I need your guidance.... 'for a stronger christal to live up this challenge'.
grape-ing days,
My DATE Night
i might be too late for this contest but would really love to 'pen this down'...
after reading hundreds of write up, 99.9% of them would prefer or to their liking of an ideal date is nice proper dinner & end with a movie. . .
me maybe not. as i'm particular about films & get too possessed into the film & might totally forgotten about the person 1 went with. Definitely a bad idea =) lol...
My ideal first date would be nothing near a shopping mall or inside a mall like any typical date . . .
Picnic by the beach catching sunset would be ideal or star gazing would be perfectly great.
No Where near a beach? surround by driplets or gush of water is every nature lovers 'thing'.
I seriously miss GABAI.
No hiking for sure for the first time =) Do not look great with sweaty hair.
With these, i believe he have got to love to be under the sun/moon.
p/s: greedily hopes he can strung a few cords =)
do i still get to win a pair of DATE Night movie tix? hopefully, craving to catch it since saW its trailer months ago....
if won, *prays hard*, who to bring along???...
i desperately NEEDS IT!!
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